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8 Jun
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Coir Plant Pot

Size: 25cm x 25cm dia. Wt: 0.75 kg Vol: 7.5 lt. Code; (hcopp) All purpose plant pot.  Made from coir braids.  Ideal for presentations, gardens & flower shows.  Simply fill with nutrient coir or other growth medium.  Ideal as insulation for plant pots during winter by inserting the plant pot within the coir fabric.
8 Jun
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To Biomass Fuel    
  • Moisture Content; 13.3%
  • Gross CV; 17.47MJ/KG.
  • Bulk Density; 494kg/m3
  • Ash Content; 4.6%
  • Sulphur; 0.03%
  • Chlorine ; <0.01%